Why Does Diamond Engagement Ring Size Matter?

Marquise cut diamond engagement rings are elegant and distinctive. The elongated shape and pointed ends create a unique look that stands out from other diamond shapes. Our selection of marquise cut diamond engagement rings features a range of styles, from classic to modern, all showcasing the stunning beauty of this cut.

Shop Marquise Cut Engagement Rings

At Ben Garelick Jewelers, we believe engagement is more about a lifelong commitment of companionship and love to your partner than it is about the size of the diamond engagement ring. But, how many times can you picture your loved ones asking your future spouse to see their ring that you picked out? I bet you're wondering now if you are making the right choice in engagement ring size to sufficiently represent your lifetime commitment. What is considered a “big” diamond ring, anyway?The jewelers at Ben Garelick have curated some tips to help you out.

What Is The Average Size Of A Diamond Engagement Ring?

Our jewelry store in Buffalo, NY, carries diamond engagement rings in a variety of cuts, styles and sizes to guarantee you find a ring that’s perfect for you and your partner. We know that you could describe all the wonderful qualities of your partner all day long, so when you visit our store, you’ll get to do just that. We want to hear about why you love your partner and want to spend your life with them so that we can help you choose a ring that best fits their one-of-a-kind personality.

But what ring size should you expect to get? What is the average size of an engagement ring? According to the folks at Ben Garelick Jewelers, the national average size of the center diamond in an engagement ring is 1.2 carats, while the total carats of all diamonds on the setting averages between 1.8 and 2 carats. While the carat is how much the stone actually weighs, the dimensions of the diamond all depend on the cut you select. As a general rule, 1 carat is about the equivalent to the size of a pencil eraser. This is about 0.256 inches, if numbers are your thing.

Does Cut And Shape Of The Diamond Engagement Ring Make A Difference?

The shape and cut of the diamond plays a huge role when it comes to how large or small the diamond will look when in the ring setting. If you go with the average diamond engagement ring size, a marquise diamond looks bigger than a round brilliant diamond.

If you are looking for a larger diamond but still want to have a smaller carat size, vertically cut shapes like the marquise, pear and oval are the best choices. At Ben Garelick Jewelers, all of our diamonds are cut to give your ring the maximum sparkle.

Big Or Small Diamonds - Ben Garelick Has Them All

A diamond engagement ring is a big purchase, regardless of carat size. Our jewelry experts at Ben Garelick Jewelers will help you find the perfect engagement ring for your partner’s personality, no matter what your budget may be. After all, whether a diamond is big or not is in the eye of the beholder. Some partners see a .5 carat ring and think that diamond is huge, while others may not even turn their heads for an engagement ring smaller then 2 carats. We pride ourselves on treating all of our customers like family, so come and see us at our store in Buffalo, NY or contact us with any questions using our online form. We can’t wait to help you find a diamond engagement ring that symbolizes your future together.

Shop our collection of engagement rings today!

Peter Manka Jr

Peter Manka Jr. - Owner at Ben Garelick

Peter Manka Jr. is a passionate member of the family business who joined Ben Garelick in the early 2000s after working in product licensing for Sesame Workshop & The Jim Henson Company for many years. He obtained a degree in diamonds and jewelry from the prestigious Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in order to sharpen his jewelry skills. He takes great pride in providing exceptional customer service and helping clients find the perfect piece of jewelry.

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